
If Lady Fiona Wachter has her cultist killed before this day or her skeletons dealt with by the players this event will not happen

The Vallaki Townsquare will be full of people

Under threatening skies, a parade of unhappy children dressed as flowers trudges through the muddy streets, leading the way for a group of sorry-looking men and women carrying a ten-foot-diameter wicker ball. The burgomaster and his smiling wife, who holds a sad bouquet of wilting flowers, follow the procession on horseback. As weary spectators watch from their stoops, the ball is borne to the town square. There, it is hoisted and hung from a fifteen-foot-high wooden scaffold, and townsfolk take turns splashing it with oil. Before the wicker sun can be set ablaze, the sky tears open in a sudden downpour. “All will be well!” cries the burgomaster as he brandishes a sputtering torch and marches defiantly through the rain toward the wicker ball, only to have his torch go out as he thrusts it into the sphere. 

A singular laugh erupts from the crowd, drawing the burgomaster’s fiery gaze as well as gasps from the townsfolk. 

The laugh is from Lady Fiona Wachter She is immediately rushed to the front in front of the baron where he readies a whip to punish her in front of the town. But this is what the lady watcher wanted.

She has 4 cultists in the crowed and 6 skeletons in boxes ready to fight.

Illusions on Fiona begin to drop. Her hair falls off and tattoos begin to appear on her skin. Her robes begin to flow in the find and her eyes glow. She dawns a black blade.

Izek Strazni will immediately move to protect the Baron. And Fiona will deal with him as quickly as possible. The cultists and skeletons will attempt to stop the guards from intervening. There forces aren’t enough to stop all of the guards but their goal is to buy time.

If the players found Father Lucian, Fiona will attempt to stop the fighting and give a short speech to the town, exposing the baron. If Izek Strazni had already been delt with, she may not deploy the cultists.

The Players

They could go a few routes here.

Siding with Baron

The players could attempt to protect Baron Vallakovich. this might mean attacking the undead or attacking Lady Fiona Wachter herself. The guards will eventually overwhelm the cultists and the players should be able to kill the priest of Osybus

Siding with Watcher

The players will deal with Izek Strazni most likely and several of the guards. Lady Fiona Wachter will hope that they protect her

Switching sides

The players might switch either side when they discover that the Baron is evil or that Fiona is a cultist leader. It might be chaotic.

Strahd’s appearance

If Lady Fiona Wachter is getting the uperhand. either because players can’t deal with her or she has successful swayed the town. this event will happen.

The Sky very quickly begins to darken. Cracks of lightning can be heard in the distance the dark clouds quickly begin to swirl overhead and from them a figure slowly starts to descend. The villagers gasp as they begin to recognize who it is. Strahd von Zarovich is stepping foot in Vallaki for the first time in a hundred years.

Once Strahd lands (Concentrating on a fly spell) He makes eye contact with the cultist and smiles.

“You don’t belong here. Do not forget that this land is mine. Your master has no claim to it. Just as I vanquished him a millennium ago you too shall fall. This land will remain your prison forever and ever. Each time you arise anew I will meet you with sword as I do today. I am the Land, and you are my guest”.

With that Strahd will draw his sword. No NPC makes a move. But as soon as the Weather changed. Firan Zal’honan wherever he is has gone invisible and is hiding. He wants to hear this conversation but is afraid of Strahd.

Lady Fiona Wachter will not fight back. She knows she stands no chance. But she will recite the Prophecy.

Transclude of Osybus#prophecy

Strahd will decapitate her. Her head will keep talking until Strahd eventually claws out her tattoos to stop her from coming back to life.

Strahd will give a short speech once he’s dealt with Lady Fiona Wachter