
Notable people




The factions that want to control the city:


Day 1: Arrival, players will arrive near nightfall, Maybe hit the Bluewater inn, maybe stay with Vistani outside. Day 2: A public arrest in the town square Vallakian shoemaker named Udo Lukovich Ernst Larnak starts tailing players. If discovered he says that Lady Fiona Wachter would like to host them. Day 3: Last night the priest was kidnapped. this was done by Rahadin and taken to the Shoe makers house. He left two vampire spawn Day 4: Festival of the Blazing Sun

Party Interactions

Whenever the party first enters the town sqwaure %%


N1. St. Andral’s Church

Father Lucian Petrovich Milivoj

N2. Blue Water Inn

%% This establishment is controlled by the Keepers of the Feather. The owners Urwin and Danika are Wereravens along with their children.

Currently the order of the feather is concerned about two thing

Initially people in the Inn: noon - 2d4 local patrons night - 2d8 local patrons

Wolf Hunters - Szoldar Szoldarovich and Yevgeni Krushkin Doesn’t know the whereabouts of Firan Zal’honan. They might give the players some tips when looking for a missing person. Something they specialize in. Any they also know the geography of Barovia quite well and are willing to help the players for a price. If the players mention the Ring of Osybus They actually have been asked about that recently. By two Vistani named Ratka (Firan Zal’honan) and Natasha

Wachter Brothers - Nikolai and Karl Wachter, the sons of Lady Fiona Wachter. They are two brash drunks that would like to hear stories from the players. They are sort of spoiled rich kids but have also grown up under the harsh rules in Vallaki. They will tell the players about the Baron and if they have any ideas on how to free Vallaki of him. - Rictavio - Firan Zal’honan and he isn’t the whimsical Bard Rudolph van Richten was. Is very interested in the players, he is trying to learn more about the Lady Fiona Wachter, he correctly expects her to be tied to the Osybus cult. He is using the Keepers of the Feather to learn more about what might be going on in the village, and will use the players to do tasks the wereravens don’t want to,


N3. Burgomaster’s Mansion

N4. Wachterhaus


Lady Fiona Wachter would love to sit down with the players and have a chat. She will freely reveal some information about Osybus mainly just the legends of him as a human and his fight with Strahd von Zarovich. If she can she will convince the players that the Baron is evil and is being manipulated by Strahd and will promise more information if the players find a way to kill Izek Strazni.

  • Stella Wachter (CG female human commoner) -  thinks she’s a cat
  • Describe Fiona’s Dead Hubby as sleeping DC 14 perception to see he isn’t breathing %%

N5. Market District

The Cracked Anvil

A Smithy owned and operated by Dragomir Ulbrek

Dragomir is a blacksmith of…middling skill. He mostly makes hinges, nails, horseshoes, and other simple equipment. He has some ability to craft weapons (Simple Weapons made of metal—particularly spears and daggers) and knows how to make Chain armor (so Chain Shirt and Chain Mail). If you want him to have finer gear of any sort available, Dragomir pays hunters for any salvaged gear they find (from dead Adventurers) that he can repair and then resell to future adventurers—thus, any higher-grade weapons are of wildly differing designs, compared to his simple and utilitarian basic gear. As a result of this…whenever the PCs first visit his shop, he’s going to eye their metal equipment…figuring he might end up with some of it before long.

Dragomir’s wife, Magda, is a Fletcher. She can make bows of all sorts (but doesn’t keep any in stock) and arrows. She and Dragomir are not really in love…their marriage is more of a businesses arrangement “because it made sense” than anything else.

Lukresh Tannery

Run by Fatima Lukresh, a stout old woman who looks like she might have tanned her own skin along with the hides she works with.

Like Dragomir, she mostly works in mundane things—straps, harnesses, belts, etc. However, she knows how to make leather armor, and is the source of any local hunters who own a set. Like Magda, she doesn’t keep a stock of leather armor around; if someone wants to buy some from her, they’ll have to order it and wait for her to make it.

Endless Delight Clothiers

Formerly “Alastroi Clothiers,” this shop run by three siblings (Alek, Andrej, and Alana Alastroid—a Weaver, Cobbler, and Tailor respectively) was pressured into changing the name of the shop due to their heavy involvement with the Baron’s festivals. They mostly sell simple clothing, but can make heavier winter-wear on order (source for the PCs to get cold weather gear for a trip up to the Amber Temple).

On visiting, they can usually be seen pulling apart decorations from prior festivals to try to recycle the materials for the next festival.

None of them are too thrilled with constantly being drug out into the rain for festivals…but all of the decorations and costumes they’ve been making have earned them a tidy sum of money. None of them like the new name of their shop, but it was better than ticking off the Baron.

N6. Shoe Maker’s Shop

N7. Blinsky Toys

N8. Town Square

N9. Vistani Camp



  • Kasimir Velikov (N male dusk elf) - wants sister back
  • Luvash (CE male human bandit captain) - doting father
  • Arrigal (NE male human assassin) - protective of strahd
  • Alexei (CN male human bandit) - failed to watch Arabelle
  • Arabelle (LN female human 7) - may drown, big ego**
  • Natasha (CN female human assassin) Firan Zal’honan’s guide %%