Ring, rare (requires attunement)
These rings typically come in pairs but have been known to come in sets of up to four. Each ring is magically connected and can be attuned to by a different creature. While wearing one of the rings, you can use the following property even if you aren’t attuned to it: When another creature that you can see who is also wearing one of the rings drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to cause that creature to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once this property of the rings has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn. If you find an additional ring of the true companions, you can add it to an existing set by holding all of the rings together for 1 minute. A ring can only be a part of one set at a time, and is removed from a set if it’s more than 1 mile away from the other rings for 24 consecutive hours. If you are the only creature attuned to one of the rings, it gains 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can use an action expend 1 of its charges to cast the cure wounds spell (spellcasting modifier +3). If the target of the spell is another creature wearing one of the rings, the spell’s range increases to 30 feet. If additional creatures are attuned to rings from the set, the rings’ collective strength grows and they share a pool of charges instead. For each attuned creature after the first, the rings gain an extra 2 charges and regain another 2 expended charges daily at dawn. The rings can share a maximum of 9 charges in this way (1d3 + 6). The following properties are shared among all attuned creatures who are also wearing one of the rings from the set. The effects are cumulative and are determined by the number of attuned wearers: 2 attuned wearers: When you use the rings to cast cure wounds on another wearer, you can choose to cast it using a bonus action instead, but can only cast it once on the same turn. 3 attuned wearers: When you use the rings to cast cure wounds on another wearer, its range increases to 60 feet, and you can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend, up to 4th level. 4 or more attuned wearers: When you use the rings to cast cure wounds on another wearer, you also gain 1d4 + 1 temporary hit points for each charge you spend.