
Session 02 Recap

At the end of last session the party finished exploring the Durst Family home. After finally making it to the attic the party found the corpse of rose and thorn at locked in their bedroom. They also found a passage to the basement. In the basement the Party fought several ghouls and explored the caverns below, following a chanting noise coming from below. They eventually made it to the cults ritual chamber and they were met with a dozen shadowy cultists that demanded a sacrifice on their altar. After the party refused a large mound of flesh attacked the party. After swallowing both Dr Nevermore and then later the Batman he was finally defeated when The Batman noticed a baby in the monster with him that still ha d a heartbeat. After pulverizing the baby’s head the monster was defeated and the party was victorious.

  • While wrapping up the death house, there are a few magic items they could still find
    • On the Stone altar is a Bloodmire Phiale
    • On a corpse is a ring containing a soul with 2 charges as if from a soul cage spell It is a commoner from Barovia. Sebastian Florea, a carpenter from the village, had gambling debts.

Players will then be about 1.5 miles from the entrance to the Village of Barovia

Players will likely pass through the village. We might send most of the session there or almost no time. We will see

Players may seek out the Vistani at Tser Pool Encampment and do the card reading

Encounter with Count Bloodvic

There will be an encounter with a Strigoi unless we are super short on time. it will be at Tser Falls H

The creatures name is Count Bloodvic and he takes pride in himself claiming of be the ruler of this bridge. entrusted to him by Strahd von Zarovich himself. If further questioned he may reveal that he was actually made by Ludmilla Vilisevic and reports to her.

He will try to get the players to pay tribute to him for his greatness. But he will almost certainly attack unless convinced not to. He was sent to test the party’s strength. He wont really try to fight to the death but he is quite cocky.

If killed he will drop a Ear Cuff of the Vampire Bat

During Session notes

Hugamash gained one relationship point with Ireena Kolyana

Traveled 32 hexes to vallaki

48 will be windmill

67 to vallaki