#session Session 3 recap
- bullied by shopkeep
- Met Ismark and IIrena
- Attended Funeral
- Started to Vallaki
- Encounter with bloodvic
On Count bloodvic corpse
- Ear Cuff of the Vampire Bat
- Shabby deed to Tser bridge and surrounding area signed by Ludmilla Vilisevic
Travel Rules
Party travels at 8 hexes an hour (slow)
Traveled 32 hexes to Vallaki, it took 4 hours
Time is 10 30 am,
48 will be windmill a little past noon
67 to vallaki will be around 4 if the players make good time, maybe 5 if they took ahwile at the windmill. and if they don’t stop at all they will get there at 3
Vallaki is about 17 miles away
Entering Vallaki
See Vallaki for pretty much anything needed
During session notes
Gravel The Conquorer paid 6 gold for prototype of armor from blimbsky.
murder puppy has doll from Gravel. he then paid the blacksmith to make the special pot, it will be 100 gold in total. Up to a week.
Harvester Aibrek disguised as Izek Strazni got the doll of Irena
- Harvester Aibrek is going to approach Izek as Blinsky