
Session 5 Recap

I’m the dreaded domain of barovia that party has been exploring the village of vallaki. The party has been paid by the now burgourmister of the village of barovia ismark to escort his sister to safety after she has had two different sets of bite markson her neck. The Party has succsessfully escorted Irena to Vallaki, one of the more fortified villages in Barovia. Once there the party has left her in the church to stay safe from the threat of a vampire.

However last session the party found that the toy maker Blimpsky had made a toy that was identical to Ireena Kolyana and requested by the Captain of the guard Izek Strazni. The party tricked Izek to enter the toy shop under the guise of blimpsky. The party acted to late and Izek killed blimpsky. The party proceeded to battle Izek and successfully defeated and tortured him for information. Eventually the guards realized what was happening and began searching the building. The party escaped through a window. Sadly their slowest member Harvester Aibrek was not quick enough to escape and he was captured by the guard. Aibrek was toutured by the Baron and was left locked in his bedroom closet. The rest of the party made it to Lady Fiona Wachter s house for lunch. She revealed plans she had to overthrow the Barons rules on Vallaki. At the Festival of the Blazing Sun it is likely that Aibrek will be executed. The lady watcher suggested that the two of you work together. Her and her allys will move on the baron and his guards during the festival and has asked you to help her execute her plan. hooefukky saving Aibrek in the process. Not a ton is known of the Lady Watcher. She knew much more information about both the world and about each of you than seemed appropriate. The Festival was instead moved to tomorrow morning and the party agreed to help the Lay watcher enact her plan.

We ended last time with the party sleeping after a long day. You hear a faint thunder in the distance as you begin to fall sleep in the watcher mansion.

  • have players join you outside one at a time and read Dream’s From Osybus

  • after the dreams when the players awake allow them to ask 1 or 2 final questions to the lady watcher as well as prepare anything minor, and we will proceed to the festival

The Session

Began with the dream sequence for each player individually.

  • After the dreams the party went onto the festival of the blazing sun.
  • At the festival, the party got in position and the baron began a speech about the festival, when he set the festival to begin Kobal Lansten sets fire to the entire stage and to The baron himself. The group makes pretty short work of the guards and the baron. Lady Fiona Wachter makes a speech after the guards have mostly surrended. In a show of strength she murders the family of the baron and begins getting new recruits. The party mostly let everything happened. here are some notable parts of the combat.
    • Christopher Kane didn’t kill anyone. only knocked them out.
    • Hugamash punched a civilian for no reason and killed him.
    • Kobal Lansten set fire to the building behind the stage, it was mostly destroyed.
  • After the combat the party talked to Ireena Kolyana who was sort of pissed at the party. She told them that she was going to leave Vallaki and the party pretty much decided it was time to abandon her.
  • The party went one last time to the Lady watcher. She gave the party some information.
  • The session ended with the party setting out to Krezek to get some more answers.


  • Don’t forget about murder puppy
  • Players have a map.
  • Isolde needs to be fleshed out big time lol.