Questions that i need to answer

  • Where is Firan? Mounting an expedition to mount Barak but where?
    • In Krezek getting ready for expedition.
  • What’s going on in krezek? Isolde is there up to no good, she has a different interpretation of the prophecy
    • Hopefully they don’t go in there tet
  • what’s Irena up to? She has about a dozen guards and father Lucian with her headed back to barovia.
  • how long will the lady watcher hold Vallaki before strahd gets involved? Her goal is to start to gather a large force. She will “prepare the way” for the one. Whoever that is
  • Ralhadin will presumably invade Vallaki in the next few days. A messenger. The bartender who is also a wereraven should come inform the players of the teachings of the lady watcher. Perhaps later even the fall of the village to Ralhadin’s forces.

The Party will begin by heading to Krezek. They may detour to Lake Baratok and encounter Van Richten’s Tower

The party will probably head to Krezek where they will encounter a closed gate, they likely will go to Wizard of Wines.

monster: Drow
name: Dusk Elf