- Arjhan Birthflame
- Emberhide Whisperwind
Our adventures charted a ship through the Fruitish Isles. Captain Caladrius is the captain of the ship The Sea’s Symphony. He promised to have a top notch crew, but he was also the cheapest sailor on the dock that would make the dangerous trek out to the Fruitish Isles. You and your best friend and favorite treasure hunting partner found a map in an old temple that showed an island at the center of the Fruitish Isles never before seen on any map.
Caladruis has agreed to take you to this island, but he asked to be cut in on a third of any loot you all find! We begin our journey on the The Sea’s Symphony, just within the Fruitish Isles.
On the open seas
On the seas the role play with the characters some, give them a chance to ask captain Caladrius some questions.
There are are two other crew mates called Doug and Doug jr. Doug is an older man about 40 and Doug Jr is 19
Travel will take up a few days. Eventually have an encounter
a ship comes up near the ship with a black flag. It is a manned by a notorious pirate named Captain Barrel tail. And is crewed by 20 monkeys that will attempt to board the. Captain Cal will ask the players to take the lead, but he will suggest attempting to negotiate
A DC 12 persuasion check will convince them to leave.
A DC 12 of a another type could happen depending on the players creativity. Also if they start killing monkeys. They will flee on a DC 14 intimidation Checked
The next day, the sky begins to darken and the captain mention that they are approaching the island on the map but a storm is right in the way they begging going throw the storm and it begins to toss and turn the ship, eventually a thunder bolt tears the ship in half. Make the following checks
DC 13 Dex to see if they avoid taking damage from the ship splitting. Take 1d6 bludgeoning on a failure
DC 12 Con save to see how well the players avoid drowning. They will lose consciousness on a failure
Upon waking player need to wander the beach and find each other. On a DC 13 perception check they see smoke in the distance
Logen Barton is a man that appears somewhat ragged. He claims to have been shipwrecked here for several months and that he’s been trying to survive. He has narrowly been avoiding the Great King of the islands Guardian that wanders the jungle. He dare not journey inward to the jungle in the great mountain, although there is apparently great treasure there.
logen is actually the pineapple king in disguise, plays can try to see his truthfulness, it will be somewhat apparent he’s not telling the full story.
the jungle
Player can begin going through the jungle stealthily. They will make to group stealth checks.
A DC 12 is required to avoid the
Make a DC 13 Survival check. On a failure the party does not make progression of the jungle and the DC required for Stealth is increased by 1
2 successful survival checks to escape the jungle
On a survival check of lower than a 5 the person leading will take 1d4 poison damage
The crew member guardian will arrive if they fail a stealth check.
There is a locked stone door at the entrance. It can be opened by answering this riddle
Potential riddles:
- I get answered even though I never ask a question. What am I? a knock
There is also a DC 13 sleight of hand check to pick the lock
Or a DC 15 Strength check to break the door down
Lair action.
Players will make a DC 13 Dex check each turn or be pushed 10 ft towards the golden pineapple
Pineapple king is teleported 30 ft
Pineapicus Maximus
Golden pineapple Stats of Amethyst Lodestone